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Query Wikipedia using the Action API

Build a query

Compose a complex query to Wikipedia’s Action API, combining list, property, and generator endpoints.

Query Wikipedia using the MediaWiki Action API
query_generate_pages() list_all_generators()
Generate pages that meet certain criteria, or which are related to a set of known pages by certain properties
query_list_pages() list_all_list_modules()
List pages that meet certain criteria
query_page_properties() list_all_property_modules()
Choose properties to return for pages from the action API
query_by_title() query_by_pageid() query_by_revid()
Query the MediaWiki Action API using a vector of Wikipedia pages
next_result() next_batch() retrieve_all()
Perform a query using the MediaWiki Action API

Common queries

query_category_members() build_category_tree()
Explore Wikipedia's category system

Low-level API

Constructor for generator query type
Constructor for list queries
Constructor for the property query type

Get page data

Functions to retrieve additional data about pages. These functions typically rely on one of Wikipedia’s REST APIs, and work on a vector of page ids, titles or revision ids.

Vector functions

get_latest_revision() get_page_html() get_page_summary() get_page_talk() get_page_langlinks()
Get data about pages from their titles
Search for insertions, deletions or relocations of text between two versions of a Wikipedia page
Count how many times Wikipedia articles have been edited
get_xtools_page_info() get_xtools_page_prose() get_xtools_page_links() get_xtools_page_top_editors() get_xtools_page_assessment()
Access page-level statistics from the XTools Page API endpoint

Low-level API

core_rest_request() wikimedia_rest_request()
Build a REST request to one of Wikipedia's specific REST APIs
wikimedia_org_rest_request() xtools_rest_request()
Build a REST request to one of the Wikimedia Foundation's central APIs
Get resources from one of Wikipedia's two REST APIs

Use WikiMedia XML dumps

Check that a Wikimedia XML file has not been corrupted

Data types

Data types returned by wikkitidy functions.

Representation of Wikipedia data returned from an Action API Query module as tibble, with request metadata stored as attributes.


Gracefully request a resource from Wikipedia
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