sends exactly one request to the server.
requests results from the server until data is complete the
latest batch of pages in the result.
keeps requesting data until all the pages from the query
have been returned.
- x
The query. Either a wiki_action_request or a query_tbl.
A query_tbl containing results of the query. If x
is a
query_tbl, then the function will return a new data with the new data
appended to it. If x
is a wiki_action_request, then the returned
query_tbl will contain the necessary data to supply future calls to
, next_batch()
or retrieve_all()
It is rare that a query can be fulfilled in a single request to the
server. There are two ways a query can be incomplete. All queries return a
list of pages as their result. The result may be incomplete because not all
the data for each page has been returned. In this case the batch is
incomplete. Or the data may be complete for all pages, but there are more
pages available on the server. In this case the query can be continued.
Thus the three functions for next_result()
, next_batch()
# Try out a request using next_result(), then retrieve the rest of the
# results. The clllimt limits the first request to 40 results.
preview <- wiki_action_request() %>%
query_by_title("Steve Wozniak") %>%
query_page_properties("categories", cllimit = 40) %>%
#> <incomplete/query_tbl>
#> # A tibble: 1 × 4
#> pageid ns title categories
#> <int> <int> <chr> <list>
#> 1 27848 0 Steve Wozniak <tibble [40 × 2]>
#> ℹ There are more results on the server. Retrieve them with `next_batch()` or `retrieve_all()`
#> ! Data not fully downloaded for last batch. Retrieve it with `next_batch()` or `retrieve_all()`.
all_results <- preview %>%
#> <final/query_tbl>
#> # A tibble: 1 × 4
#> pageid ns title categories
#> <int> <int> <chr> <list>
#> 1 27848 0 Steve Wozniak <tibble [57 × 2]>
#> ✔ All results downloaded from server
#> ✔ Data complete for all records
# tidyr is useful for list-columns.
if (tibble::is_tibble(all_results)) {
all_results %>%
tidyr::unnest(cols=c(categories), names_sep = "_")
#> # A tibble: 57 × 5
#> pageid ns title categories_ns categories_title
#> <int> <int> <chr> <int> <chr>
#> 1 27848 0 Steve Wozniak 14 Category:1950 births
#> 2 27848 0 Steve Wozniak 14 Category:20th-century American busi…
#> 3 27848 0 Steve Wozniak 14 Category:20th-century American engi…
#> 4 27848 0 Steve Wozniak 14 Category:20th-century American inve…
#> 5 27848 0 Steve Wozniak 14 Category:21st-century American busi…
#> 6 27848 0 Steve Wozniak 14 Category:21st-century American engi…
#> 7 27848 0 Steve Wozniak 14 Category:21st-century American inve…
#> 8 27848 0 Steve Wozniak 14 Category:Academic staff of the Univ…
#> 9 27848 0 Steve Wozniak 14 Category:Amateur radio people
#> 10 27848 0 Steve Wozniak 14 Category:American Freemasons
#> # ℹ 47 more rows