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get_latest_revision() returns metadata about the latest revision of each page.

get_page_html() returns the rendered html for each page.

get_page_summary() returns metadata about the latest revision, along with the page description and a summary extracted from the opening paragraph

get_page_related() returns summaries for 20 related pages for each passed page

get_page_talk() returns structured talk page content for each title. You must ensure to use the title for the Talk page itself, e.g. "Talk:Earth" rather than "Earth"

get_page_langlinks() returns interwiki links for each title


get_latest_revision(title, language = "en", failure_mode = "error")

get_page_html(title, language = "en", failure_mode = "error")

get_page_summary(title, language = "en", failure_mode = "error")

get_page_talk(title, language = "en", failure_mode = "error")

get_page_langlinks(title, language = "en", failure_mode = "error")



A character vector of page titles.


A character vector of two-letter language codes, either of length 1 or the same length as title


Either "quiet" or "error." See get_rest_resource()


A list, vector or tibble, the same length as title, with the desired data.


# Get language links for a known page on English Wikipedia
get_page_langlinks("Charles Harpur", failure_mode = "quiet")
#> # A tibble: 2 × 4
#>   code  name     key            title         
#>   <chr> <chr>    <chr>          <chr>         
#> 1 de    Deutsch  Charles_Harpur Charles Harpur
#> 2 fr    français Charles_Harpur Charles Harpur

# The functions are vectorised over title and language
# Find all articles about Joanna Baillie, and retrieve summary data for
# the first two.
baillie <- get_page_langlinks("Joanna Baillie") %>%
  dplyr::slice(1:2) %>%
  dplyr::mutate(get_page_summary(title = title, language = code, failure_mode = "quiet"))
#> # A tibble: 2 × 30
#>   code  name    key        title  type  displaytitle namespace_id namespace_text
#>   <chr> <chr>   <chr>      <chr>  <chr> <chr>               <int> <chr>         
#> 1 ar    العربية جوانا_بيلي جوانا… stan… "<span clas…            0 ""            
#> 2 arz   مصرى    جوانا_بيلى جوانا… stan… "<span clas…            0 ""            
#> # ℹ 22 more variables: wikibase_item <chr>, titles_canonical <chr>,
#> #   titles_normalized <chr>, titles_display <chr>, pageid <int>,
#> #   thumbnail_source <chr>, thumbnail_width <int>, thumbnail_height <int>,
#> #   originalimage_source <chr>, originalimage_width <int>,
#> #   originalimage_height <int>, lang <chr>, dir <chr>, revision <chr>,
#> #   tid <chr>, timestamp <chr>, description <chr>, description_source <chr>,
#> #   content_urls_desktop <list>, content_urls_mobile <list>, extract <chr>, …